The Air District is aware of an odor in the Point Richmond and North Richmond areas. Air District inspectors are investigating and responding to complaints. Staff are in communication with Contra Costa Health to determine the cause and identify corrective actions. Follow instructions from local health officials.
Get information about planned Public Safety Power Shutoffs and backup power options.
Your local energy company may need to turn off power during extreme weather or wildfire conditions. This is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff, or PSPS.
If you plan on using an emergency generator to power your home or business during a PSPS event, here are some tips for staying safe and compliant with state rules and requirements administered by the Air District.
If you anticipate needing an emergency generator, please refer to the following information and SUBMIT YOUR PERMIT APPLICATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Do not wait until fire season has begun and the power is expected to be turned off to apply for a permit.
Your permit will allow a two-year period for you to install your emergency generator. Even if you are not ready to install your generator, you can obtain your permit well in advance. DO NOT WAIT TO APPLY.
What options do you have to power your home in the event of a PSPS event?
Considering a fuel-powered generator for power? Take note of the following precautions:
Backup generators may require an Air District permit. How do I get a permit quickly?
If you need an emergency generator, you may be subject to Air District permit requirements. Consider the following:
All fuel-fired generators produce toxic air contaminants which have been linked to lung cancer and other adverse health effects.
What are the permit requirements for backup generators?
Still considering an emergency generator? APPLY EARLY! Submit a COMPLETE application to expedite the permitting process. See the Air District's Engine Permits web page for instructions on submitting a permit application.
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Last Updated: 12/18/2019