Learn about the Air District’s work to advance clean transportation.
California has set a goal of five million electric vehicles, or EVs, sold by 2030, with conventional vehicles phased out by 2035. The Air District has set a target that 90 percent of vehicles in the Bay Area should be zero emissions by 2050.
In addition to alternative transit modes that include walking, biking, mass transit, and shared transportation, wide-scale adoption of EVs and electrification of all types of transportation are essential to achieving local, state, and federal emission reduction targets for greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants.
To this end, the Air District has released a draft of the Bay Area EV Acceleration Plan(1 Mb PDF, 30 pgs, revised 3/25/2021), which combines input from EV market stakeholders and experts, surveys of Bay Area residents, and input from the Bay Area EV Coordinating Council. The recommendations highlighted in the plan speak to the importance of addressing historic disenfranchisement in frontline communities as we pursue our aggressive EV adoption and market acceleration goals.
View a few featured clean transportation resources to support Bay Area local governments. Explore the full Local Government Support Program Resource Library for more.
Last Updated: 3/7/2024