The Air District provides resources to assist lead agencies in analyzing and reducing air quality and climate impacts from proposed land use projects and plans.
The Air District has resources to assist lead agencies in analyzing and reducing air quality and climate impacts from proposed land use projects and plans. This California Environmental Quality Act Resources section provides lead agencies with tools, methodologies, and recommended best practices to assess and reduce air emissions and exposure from land use, transportation, and stationary sources of pollution.
The four web pages in this CEQA Resources section provide access to guidelines and handbooks describing how to evaluate emission reductions from greenhouse gases, calculate emissions based on most recent air quality models and data, and review health impacts using a step-by-step health-risk screening process and modeling tools. Example strategies to help mitigate potential air quality impacts and guidelines for the siting of school facilities along with methods to estimate emissions from ocean-going vessels and commercial harbor craft are also available.
These resources assist practitioners when evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.