Learn about the Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit.
The Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit, a project of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative* and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)**, provides guidance for Bay Area cities and counties that are interested in requiring solar photovoltaic, or PV, systems on new single-family and low-rise multifamily residential units.
This effort supports the Bay Area’s 2017 Clean Air Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the building sector to near zero by the year 2030. Working in coordination with the California Energy Commission, this Toolkit walks the user through the process of adopting a basic solar photovoltaic ordinance, and provides the support documents necessary to streamline approval with no additional analysis required.
A complete, printable version of the Solar PV Toolkit(51 Mb PDF, 87 pgs, posted 9/28/2017) is also available to download.
A kick-off webinar to launch the Toolkit was held September 22, 2017. The slide presentation(1 Mb PDF, 22 pgs, posted 10/2/2017) with talking points is available for download.
Local governments that are interested in receiving additional resources to accelerate the installation of solar rooftops in their communities, please contact:
Vijay Kesavan at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission
*The Bay Area Regional Collaborative coordinates the planning efforts of the Air District, the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.
**BayREN is a collaboration of the nine Bay Area counties and implements energy efficiency programs across the region.
Last Updated: 2/25/2025