Learn about the Air District’s Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Qualifications or Quotations (RFQs), and view requests that are open for bid.
RFPs and RFQs announce that an Air District project is open for bid. The request describes the work the Air District wants completed and outlines the process for submitting a proposal, qualifications or a price quote to do the work.
RFPs have a standard format for responses, and any company is eligible to submit a proposal. The proposals must follow strict guidelines set forth in the RFP. These guidelines include the specific information the proposals should contain, the format they should be in, the deadline for questions, and the deadline for submissions. RFPs contain information about the length of the contract, the maximum (Not To Exceed, or NTE) amount, and the full scope of work.
RFQs are Requests for Quotations or Requests for Qualifications. RFQs provide a standard process for inviting any company to bid on specific products the District is looking to purchase or provide qualifications for general services.
Contact BusinessOfficeServices@baaqmd.gov with any inquiries on the status of an Open RFP.
If you would like to be notified about open RFPs/RFQs, please send an email with "RFP/RFQ Bidder List" in the subject line and you will notified when any new requests are posted.
Business Office Services
Last Updated: 3/19/2025