Learn more about local engagement programs, schedule a speaker for your school, or download our free climate change curriculum.
The Air District supports the following science-based programs that educate youth and families about the impacts of air pollution and climate change. The school and youth programs listed below aim to teach students ways to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the Bay Area:
Safe Routes to Schools is a national movement to improve children’s health by encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school. The program combines infrastructure investments with communications programs to decrease traffic and pollution, and improve public health.
Spare the Air Youth is a regional program that aims to educate, inspire, and empower Bay Area youth and families to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by walking, bicycling, carpooling, and taking public transit. The program also supports local Safe Routes to School efforts.
Air District staff will come to your school and talk to students about air quality, climate protection, and public health. Community Engagement staff work with teachers to design custom presentations that enhance curriculum and educational goals. Contact the Community Engagement Office to schedule a speaker for your school.
Last Updated: 8/6/2024