Rule Development

Learn how the Air District develops rules that improve local air quality, and protect the health of Bay Area residents and global climate.

The Rule Development Process

Guided by a set of core principles, the Air District’s Rule Development group oversees the process of creating and modifying rules and regulations. The following is a brief summary of this process:

  1. Conduct internal scoping meeting
  2. Air District staff discuss an air pollution problem that has come to their attention.

  3. Prepare a technical assessment memorandum
  4. The Air District reviews options for addressing the problem, including creating a new rule, modifying an existing rule, or adding new amendments, and records these options in a technical memorandum.

  5. Host stakeholder meetings
  6. The Air District holds meetings with businesses, community groups, and other interested parties to discuss issues, exchange information, and encourage communication among stakeholders.

  7. Prepare a first draft of the proposed rule
  8. If a new rule or amendment is needed, the Air District consults with stakeholders and develops a draft of the proposed action.

  9. Conduct Public workshops
  10. One or more public workshops are held for each proposed rule or amendment to allow anyone to discuss and ask questions about the proposed action.

  11. Perform California Environmental Quality Act determination
  12. The Air District reviews any potential environmental impacts of the new rule or amendment.

  13. Conduct socioeconomic impact analysis and prepare a report
  14. The Air District reviews the socioeconomic impact of the new rule or amendment and develops a report describing the technical background, emissions reductions, and costs associated with the proposed action.

  15. Conduct a public hearing
  16. The Board of Directors reviews each proposed rule or amendment at a public hearing, during which anyone can comment. At the end of the meeting, the Board decides whether to adopt the proposed action.

  17. Develop policy and procedures to implement rule
  18. After the rule or amendment is adopted, the Air District creates or modifies policies and procedures to clarify interpretation of the rule and direction on relevant procedures.

  19. Submit rule for State Implementation Plan approval
  20. The Air District prepares a package of adoption materials for rules that affect the Ozone Maintenance Plan or California SIP, and forwards it to the California Air Resources Board for submittal to the U.S. EPA.

For information about specific rules the Air District is currently in the process of amending or developing, view the Rules Under Development page.

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Rule Development


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Last Updated: 10/25/2023