About the Air District

Bay Area Clean Air Foundation

Find information about the Bay Area Clean Air Foundation and the financial, administrative, and overall program support it provides the Air District.

The Board of Directors created the nonprofit Bay Area Clean Air Foundation in 2008 to support the Air District’s mission by funding programs that reduce emissions and educate community members about air quality in the Bay Area.

Recent Projects

City CarShare Plug-in Electric Hybrid Vehicle (PHEV) Deployment Project

The project successfully converted 10 hybrid vehicles to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, tested these vehicles in a car sharing service, and reported the results of the project in a White Paper.

The project was funded by a grant from the Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) Settlement Fund. Created as a result of an antitrust class action suit, the purpose of the Fund is to achieve clean air and fuel efficiency benefits for California consumers. Additional funding was provided by the Bay Area Clean Air Foundation and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

A guide on lessons learned and best-practices was published on September 5, 2014, and is available online.

Spare the Air Status

Last Updated: 3/19/2025