Emissions Banking Program

Learn about the Air District’s Emissions Banking Program, including how to bank emissions reduction credits.

The Emissions Banking Program allows for the deposit of air pollutant emission reduction credits (ERCs). Companies can receive credits by introducing new emissions controls, such as upgrading or replacing old equipment, shutting down equipment, upgrading processes and materials, adopting stricter operating guidelines and adding control equipment to existing sources. These new controls must go beyond the requirements of current regulations and must be real, permanent, quantifiable, and enforceable.

Banked credits are permanent and can be used to offset emissions increases from new, permitted projects and traded or sold to other companies for their use.

Reductions of the following pollutants can be banked:

  • Precursor organic compounds
  • Non-precursor organic compounds
  • Particulate matter
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Carbon monoxide
  • More information about the Air District’s Emissions Banking Program is available in the Emissions Banking Rule (PDF), New Source Review Rule (PDF) and ERC Frequently Asked Questions (PDF).

How to Bank Emission Reduction Credits

The amount of bankable emissions are time sensitive. You may want to contact your facility’s Air District Engineering contact for guidance well in advance to generating or reducing emissions that will be included in your banking application.

  • 1. Complete a banking application that includes an Application for Emission Reduction Credits (Banking) form, Form P-401 (PDF).
  • 2. Pay any applicable fees. See Air District Regulation 3 in the Banking section for current fees.
  • 3. Provide documentation to verify emissions reductions (such as operating logs, material purchase records, and fuel use records).
Emissions Banking Contact

For questions relating to banking Emission Reduction Credits, contact:

Jimmy Cheng

How to Trade Emission Reduction Credits

A company may transfer a Banking Certificate to another party, in part, or as a whole.

  • 1. Complete Emission Reduction Credits Transfer of Ownership Form, Form P-402 (PDF).
  • 2. Surrender the certificate to the District for reissuance.
  • 3. Pay applicable fees. See Air District Regulation 3 in the Banking section for current fees.

View Emission Reduction Credit Cost Data on the California Air Resources Board website.

Transfer Contact

For questions relating to the transfer of Emission Reduction Credits, contact:

Marc Nash
Spare the Air Status

Last Updated: 11/14/2024