The Air District’s online permitting system gives regulated industry the ability to submit permit applications, renew permits, update facility information, and access permit documents. Additional functionality and improvements will follow. The goal of this system is to improve efficiency, accuracy, and the customer experience.
New owners and operators without a current Air District permit who want to submit a permit application with the online system should:
Existing permit holders will be invited by mail to use the online system during the next permit renewal, which typically occurs between 60 and 150 days before your permit expires. The owner/operator invitation will include a Facility Access Code to link your facility to an authorized user account.
Need a Facility Access Code?
Online Permitting System
Customers have the ability to:
If you made an overpayment, please fill out and submit the Refund Request(301 Kb PDF, 2 pgs, revised 6/13/2016) form. Requests must be submitted by email (permits@baaqmd.gov) or mail. There are no refunds for settled invoices (invoices already paid in full).
Requests to change ownership (owning entity) must be submitted in writing and cannot be done online.
If you have questions, please contact the Online Permitting Help Desk with your facility number and invoice number, if applicable.
Online Permitting Help Desk
415.749.8665 | PermitHelp@baaqmd.gov
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
375 Beale St., Ste. 600, San Francisco, CA 94105
Please do not send the Online Permitting Help Desk any questions on asbestos, renovations, demolitions, job numbers, tank removals, or open burn. Instead, see the specific contact information below.
Asbestos, Compliance & Enforcement
415.749.4762 asbestosjobs@baaqmd.gov
Compliance & Enforcement
Open Burn Notifications
415 749.4600 openburn@baaqmd.gov
Compliance & Enforcement
Underground Tanks
415 749.4999
Online Permitting System Help Desk, Engineering
415.749.8665 PermitHelp@BAAQMD.gov
Grants Programs Information Request Line, Strategic Incentives
415.749.4994 grants@baaqmd.gov
General Engineering Information
415.749.4990 permits@baaqmd.gov
Last Updated: 12/9/2024