Learn about the Air District's development process for Regulation 6, Rule 7, which is part of a set of amendments and new rules under consideration that would reduce emissions of particulate matter from various commercial and industrial operations.
Find out about the status and anticipated timeline of the rule development process. Information on hearings, workshops, and other events is provided below, along with supporting documents and materials.
Rule 6-7 is no longer being actively developed. Staff suspended their efforts based on their assessment of the draft and workshop process. This page serves as an archive of the development process for this rule. Information on related rule development efforts can be found on the pages for Regulation 6, Rule 6-1, and Rule 6-6.
The Air District is developing a set of new rules and rule amendments to address particulate matter emissions from commercial and industrial sources. Regulation 6, Rule 7: Roofing Asphalt addresses asphalt fumes that can condense to form particulate matter, and requires the use of low-fuming roofing asphalt.
Rule 6-7 is being developed along with amendments to Rule 6-1, new Rules 6-6 and 6-8, and a new umbrella regulation, Regulation 6. These rules and amendments would address particulate matter emissions from a variety of activities and operations. The Air District estimates that hundreds of facilities throughout the Bay Area may be subject to these new rules and amendments.
Throughout the rule development process we provide information on upcoming and past workshops, hearings, and other events.
A series of open house/workshop events was held in January and February of 2017. The Air District anticipates releasing the proposed rule language and regulatory package in the 3rd Quarter of 2017, and presenting a proposed final draft to the Air District's Board of Directors for consideration in the 4th Quarter of 2017.
Supporting materials, such as staff reports, regulatory language, and other technical documents related to rule development, are posted throughout the development process. Please note that the Air District is currently transitioning this section of the site to a new structure, and the document posting dates shown do not currently reflect the original posting dates.
The Air District provides opportunities for the public to submit input throughout the development process, and posts comments received during the open public comment periods. Please note that the Air District is currently transitioning this section of the site to a new structure, and the comment posting dates shown do not currently reflect the original posting dates.
Last Updated: 8/9/2019