Learn about the Climate Protection Planning Program and its work to set the region on the path toward a carbon-free future.
This program is now closed. Please review the other open funding opportunities by visiting the Public Agencies page.
The Air District has a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. The 2050 goal was set in a resolution(348 Kb PDF, 3 pgs, revised 11/2/2023) adopted by the Air District Board of Directors in 2013, while the 2017 Clean Air Plan set the nearer-term 2030 goal.
The 2018 Climate Protection Grant Program awarded $4.5 million to the following 17 projects at 15 regional public agencies in two program areas: (1) reducing GHGs from existing buildings, and (2) fostering innovative strategies for long-term GHG reduction.
The Air District’s 2017 Clean Air Plan is a roadmap for the Air District’s efforts over the next few years to reduce air pollution and protect public health and the global climate. The 2017 Plan identifies potential rules, programs, and strategies to reduce GHG emissions and other harmful air pollutants in the Bay Area. The 2017 Plan complements and supports other important regional and state planning efforts, including Plan Bay Area.
This Plan lays out 85 distinct control measures to decrease fossil fuel combustion, improve energy efficiency, and decrease emissions of potent GHGs and other pollutants. Numerous measures reduce multiple pollutants simultaneously, while others focus on a single type of pollutant - for example, “super-GHGs” like methane and black carbon.
Last Updated: 4/22/2021