Marine Vessels and Equipment

Updated 9/26/2024

Funding is available for upgrading engines in eligible marine vessels with zero-emission or lower-emission technology and supporting ship-side shorepower infrastructure for hybrid or zero-emission vessels.

New 9/24/2024

Key Eligibility Criteria

The Air District aims to expedite the reduction of emissions and exposure in Assembly Bill (AB) 617 communities, including communities of West Oakland, East Oakland, Richmond-San Pablo, and Bayview-Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco. Marine vessel projects must meet all requirements below to be eligible for funding:

  • Must either
    • be domiciled in West Oakland, East Oakland, Richmond-San Pablo, or Bayview-Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco, OR
    • operate 90% within the San Francisco Bay.
  • Have at least one year of project life. For example, a project with a compliance date or compliance extension deadline of December 31, 2027,  must be completed and inspected by December 31, 2026. 
  • Meet the minimum criteria and requirements described in Carl Moyer Program Guidelines Chapter 7: Marine Vessels (Updated 09/20/2023).
  • Vessels with gasoline engines are not eligible.

How to Apply

Review Program requirements, and visit our Apply for Funding web page to apply.

Other Funding Sources

To learn about and apply for Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust funds,


Rules, Guidelines, and Fact Sheet

Contact Us

Eliza Kane
Staff Specialist, Strategic Incentives


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Last Updated: 9/26/2024