Check to see if you are eligible for the Clean Cars for All program and submit an application.
Announcement: Ready to check if you’re eligible? Register for an account and APPLY NOW.
How to Apply
- Review the Application User Guide(1 Mb PDF, 15 pgs, posted 3/18/2022) to learn about how to register for an account and fill out the online application.
- Review the program's Terms and Conditions(945 Kb PDF, 15 pgs, posted 2/9/2025) that you will be asked to sign after your application has been reviewed.
You will be asked to provide documentation for the following categories in your Clean Cars for All application:
- Income Verification
- You have two options to verify your income:
- Option #1: Your Federal Tax Return Transcript from the most recent tax year filed (preferred option).
- Option #2: A copy of your most recent Federal Tax Return (IRS Form 1040) and an IRS Form 4506-C (IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return, Section 6c).
- Download and fill out a Form 4506-C(262 Kb PDF, 2 pgs, revised 6/5/2024). Form must be completed electronically (typed responses) with a wet signature. The Air District will submit the Form 4506-C to the IRS on your behalf if you are selected for income verification.
- If you did not file taxes, you must submit a notarized Household Income Affidavit(715 Kb PDF, 6 pgs, posted 9/18/2023)
( Español ) to the Air District (see example(540 Kb PDF, 1 pg, posted 3/2/2020)) AND an IRS Form 4506-C(262 Kb PDF, 2 pgs, revised 6/5/2024) (IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return, Section 6c) to request “Record of Account.” See an example and our guide on how to complete the Form 4506-C(561 Kb PDF, 1 pg, revised 9/21/2023). IRS Form 4506-C must be completed electronically and have a wet signature. The Air District will submit the Form 4506-C to the IRS on your behalf.
- Copy of valid California Driver License.
- Copy of full page of California Certificate of Title (pink slip) that is in the applicant's name at the time of application submission. Salvage titles must be currently registered. If you are waiting for the title from the DMV, you must wait until you receive it before applying. The title may contain joint owners (more than one name), but any owner or joint owner may only receive one incentive amount under the program. Only one incentive amount will be issued to an eligible IRS household.
- DMV Vehicle Registration History for the last 2 years (registered and unregistered vehicles).
- There are four ways to verify your DMV registration history:
- Provide DMV vehicle registration record. You can obtain a copy of your registration record for a small fee online, by mail, or in person at the DMV. If there is a lapse in registration totaling more than 120 days, Proof of Operability documentation is also required
(see section #6). You can provide 2 years of auto insurance or repair invoices. If there is no lapse, no additional documentation is required.
- Provide 2 full years of DMV registration cards (two consecutive years preceding the current registration expiration date). If there is a lapse in registration totaling more than 120 days, Proof of Operability documentation is also required (see section #6). You can provide 2 years of auto insurance or repair invoices. If there is no lapse, no additional documentation is required.
- If you can't get your DMV vehicle registration record or provide 2 years of registration cards, Proof of Operability documentation is required (see section #6). You can provide a current or most recent DMV registration card and 2 years of auto insurance or repair invoices.
- If a vehicle with a clean title is unregistered due to a failed smog check, we can accept a DMV vehicle registration renewal notice and a failed smog check (this shows you can’t register the car) and 2 years of auto insurance or repair invoices; or Overdue DMV bill or letter that shows the car registration has been suspended and 2 years of insurance or repair invoices.
- You can’t mix and match document types. For example, you can’t have 1 year of registration history and 1 year of auto insurance/repair invoices. If you provide auto insurance, it has to be 2 years of insurance from the past two years without a lapse totaling more than 120 days. If you provide repair invoices, it has to be from two of the most recent calendar years (e.g. 2023 and 2022).
- Proof of Operability (only required if...)
- An unregistered vehicle not meeting the Retired Vehicle Eligibility (referenced in Terms and Conditions(415 Kb PDF, 15 pgs, revised 6/5/2024)) may be eligible if proven to have been driven primarily in California for the last two years and to not have been registered in any other state or country in the last two years.
- Documentation may include the following:
- Proof of California auto insurance for two consecutive years, without lapses totaling more than 120 days; or two repair invoices from an Automotive Repair Dealer registered with the California Bureau of Automotive Repair. Invoices must be from two separate calendar years and the oldest may not be older than 24 months.
- Invoices must include the following:
- Automotive Repair Dealer’s valid registration number.
- Name and address of the Automotive Repair dealer.
- Description of a repair or maintenance operation performed on the vehicle.
- Vehicle year, make, model and vehicle identification or license plate number matching the vehicle to be retired.
- Date of the repair or maintenance visit.
- Proof of Residency dated within the past 90 days (only required if California Driver's License does not reflect current address).
- Examples include utility bill, cell phone bill, pay stub, or property tax.
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