Eligible Replacement Vehicles


Learn about the types of vehicles you can purchase or lease to replace your old vehicle under the Clean Cars for All program.

Program Advisory 1: Clean Cars for All has removed conventional hybrids as a clean vehicle replacement option for all new applications submitted after October 14, 2024, and banned delivery or sale of conventional hybrids after December 31, 2024. Read the Program Advisory to learn more.

Program Advisory 2: As of November 30, 2022, the Clean Cars for All replacement vehicle maximum sale price has increased to $48,000 (excluding taxes, fees, warranties, or accessories). Read the Program Advisory to learn more.

Types of Eligible Vehicles

Clean Cars for All offers the option to purchase or lease the following types of vehicles to replace your old vehicle:

  • Plug-in Hybrid
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell
    Hydrogen Fuel
  • Battery Electric

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) combine an electric motor with a gasoline engine. PHEV batteries are recharged by the gasoline-powered motor during braking and by plugging into an outlet or charging station. PHEVs can run solely on gas or solely on the battery.

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) operate solely on their electric motor. BEV batteries are recharged by plugging into an outlet or charging station.

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) use hydrogen fuel and an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. While BEVs run on batteries that must be plugged in to recharge, FCEVs effectively have their own efficient power plant on board: the hydrogen fuel cell. Find out if there are hydrogen fueling stations near you at the Alternative Fuels website.

Replacement vehicles must have a sales price of $48,000 or less, and used replacement vehicles must be 8 model years or newer (e.g. calendar year 2024 = model year 2017 or newer) and have less than 75,000 miles on their odometer. Manufacturer rebates can be subtracted, or counted against this vehicle price cap. For example, if a vehicle price is $50,000 and there is a $2,500 manufacturer rebate, then the vehicle is eligible for CCFA. Rebates such as the Clean Fuel Reward and Clean Vehicle Rebate Project are not manufacturer rebates and do not count against the vehicle cap. For more information review this Clean Vehicle Checklist.

Vehicle Search Resources

Are you unsure about which vehicle is right for you? Learn more about the difference between hybrid electric vehicles, plug in electric vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles in our Electric Vehicle Technology Handout.

The following resources can help you understand what vehicle models are on the market and compare electric vehicle features and prices. Filter your search for vehicle type, budget, desired range, number of seats, and more.

Note: Vehicle and incentive information provided through these resources are for informational purposes only and are not representative of vehicles eligible to purchase or lease through the CCFA program. Reach out to our authorized dealerships directly for current inventory, prices, and other vehicle related questions.

Additional Resources

Examples of Eligible Vehicles

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