The Air District has several one-time or periodic funding opportunities covering a variety of equipment types, project types, and locations. Learn more about them on this page.
The Air District implements the FARMER program to help agricultural businesses replace dirty diesel equipment with the cleanest available equipment for agricultural projects that are eligible under the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines.
Visit our Agricultural Equipment web page for more information on equipment eligibility and the Apply for Funding web page to see if funding is available right now.
Approximately $1 million in funding was offered in 2020 to demonstrate mobile zero-emission equipment in Bay Area agricultural operations. The program is currently closed.
FARMER is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment – particularly in disadvantaged communities.
Funding from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust is available statewide to reduce NOx emissions:
The Mobile Source Incentive Fund, or MSIF, provides grants to the public and private sector for projects eligible for the Carl Moyer Program, vehicle scrappage and agricultural assistance programs, and for projects to reduce pollution from school buses. Fund revenues are collected from a $2 fee on vehicles registered in the Bay Area, and generate about $11 million each year.
Grants Programs Information Request Line, Strategic Incentives
Last Updated: 11/15/2024