
Updated 9/26/2024

Air District funding is available to replace existing diesel locomotives and locomotive engines with Tier 4, hybrid, or zero-emission locomotives or locomotive engines.

New 9/24/2024

Key Eligibility Criteria

The Air District aims to expedite the reduction of emissions and exposure in Assembly Bill (AB) 617 communities, including communities of West Oakland, East Oakland, Richmond-San Pablo, and Bayview-Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco. Locomotive projects must meet all requirements below to be eligible for funding:

  • Be domiciled, operate at least 30%, or have at least one stop in West Oakland, East Oakland, Richmond-San Pablo, or Bayview-Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco
    • Up to $8 million is available to be awarded to public agencies for zero-emission or hybrid near zero-emission projects outside of the areas described above 
  • Be one of following project types
    • Replacement of an entire locomotive
    • Repower of a locomotive engine
    • Replacement of a head end power (HEP) unit
  • Achieve greater or earlier emission reductions than what is required under the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) 2023 In-Use Locomotive Regulation.
  • Meet the minimum qualifications and requirements for locomotive projects that are listed in Chapter 6: Locomotives of CARB’s 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines.

How to Apply

Review Program requirements and visit our Apply for Funding web page to apply.

Please contact us for additional information about project requirements and eligibility criteria. If you have a project that may not meet all eligibility criteria, please contact us to discuss it.

Other Funding Sources

To learn about and apply for Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust funds,


Rules and Guidelines

Contact Us

Eliza Kane
Staff Specialist, Strategic Incentives

415.749.5097 ekane@baaqmd.gov

Grants Programs Information Request Line, Strategic Incentives

415.749.4994 grants@baaqmd.gov

Contact Us

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Last Updated: 9/26/2024