Spare the Air Status

What you breathe
Air Quality in the Bay Area
Current Air Quality
Air Quality Forecast Map
Open Burn Map
Air Quality Summaries
Current Air Quality
Find current and historical air quality and weather information based on measurements taken at stations in the Air District’s air quality data network.
Air Quality Forecast Map
View a map that shows five-day air quality forecasts for the five Bay Area reporting zones, using the U.S. EPA's Air Quality Index scale.
Open Burn Map
View a map that shows whether prescribed burning will be allowed in the Bay Area during the current two-day period, and if so, in which areas.
Air Quality Summaries
View annual data collected from the Bay Area’s air quality monitoring network, showing the number of times each station recorded pollutant concentrations above air quality standards, as well as the highest readings.

Who we regulate
Permits, Facility, and Rules information
Permit Applications Received
Public Notices on Permit Applications
Synthetic Minor Facilities
Title V Permits
Permit Applications Received
View a table listing permit applications received by the Air District during the last two years. Some applications require public notice and a public comment period.
Public Notices on Permit Applications
View a list of the active and historical public notices for the past few years. The Air District issues public notices to inform the public about certain projects, facilities, and permits that are under review.
Synthetic Minor Facilities
View a list of Bay Area facilities that have received Synthetic Minor Operating Permits, which a facility may opt to apply for if their actual emissions are below the Title V trigger levels.
Title V Permits
View a table that shows all Bay Area facilities required to have Title V, or Major Facility Review, permits. Large industrial facilities are required to issue a single comprehensive operating permit that shows all federal, state, and local air quality requirements.
Public Notices on Facility Risk Reduction
Facilities Maps
Current Rules
Public Notices on Facility Risk Reduction
View a table listing facilities required to undergo health risk assessments under the Air District’s Facility Risk Reduction Program, to determine if they are subject to further risk reduction requirements.
Facilities Maps
View a map showing the locations of facilities that are regulated by the Air District. You can zoom in to get more information about individual facilities and learn about their emissions.
Current Rules
View a table containing links to the text of all of the Air District’s rules and regulations, which are legally enforceable, improve local air quality, and protect the health of Bay Area residents.

What we measure
Emissions, Standards, and other Data
Emission Reduction Credit Bank Status
Data on Emissions Inventories
Air Quality Standards and Attainment Status
GHG Data
Emission Reduction Credit Bank Status
View available banked Emission Reduction Credits in the Air District’s jurisdiction. Companies receive credits by reducing emissions which can be used to offset emissions increases from new projects and traded or sold.
Data on Emissions Inventories
Read about the emissions inventories the Air District prepares of criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and toxic air contaminants for federal, state, regional, and local uses, and find specific inventory data.
Air Quality Standards and Attainment Status
View the state and federal standards for 11 types of air pollutants, as well as the Bay Area’s attainment status for each pollutant.
GHG Data
View data from the Air District’s greenhouse gas monitoring network relating to concentrations of significant GHGs, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide, as well as meteorological conditions.
Flare Data
Air Monitoring Maps
Flare Data
Find links to more than 10 years of data about flaring from the five Bay Area refineries. You can see how often and how much gas is flared, and view bar graphs showing flaring emissions.
Find links to maps and other data files associated with the Community Air Risk EvaluationProgram, which identified areas where air pollution contributes most to health impacts.
Air Monitoring Maps
View a map showing locations and information about stations in the Air District’s air monitoring and meteorology network, as well as ground-level monitors placed near large industrial facilities such as oil refineries.

How to get involved
Interact with the Air District
Make an Air Quality Complaint
Subscriptions and Notifications
Board Meetings
Annual Budget
Make an Air Quality Complaint
Make an air quality complaint online. The Air District encourages residents to report general air pollution problems, excessive wood smoke, and smoking vehicles.
Subscriptions and Notifications
Sign up to receive the latest air quality news and events in e-newsletters and email messages distributed by the Air District.
Board Meetings
View a table that lists the Air District’s Board of Directors and committee meetings, along with related agendas, minutes, and resolutions. Agendas are posted 72 hours before each meeting.
Annual Budget
View the Air District’s proposed and approved annual budgets and related public notices.
Request Public Records
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