The Air District has issued 2 Notices of Violation(1 Mb PDF, 2 pgs, posted 2025/2/3) to MRC Refinery following the 2/1 fire for public nuisance, excessive smoke and soot fallout. We are continuing to investigate, and additional violations are possible. The incident report(120 Kb PDF, 1 pg, posted 2025/2/2) will be updated as new information becomes available.
The Air District has issued 2 Notices of Violation(1 Mb PDF, 2 pgs, posted 2025/2/3) to MRC Refinery following the 2/1 fire for public nuisance, excessive smoke and soot fallout. We are continuing to investigate, and additional violations are possible. The incident report(120 Kb PDF, 1 pg, posted 2025/2/2) will be updated as new information becomes available.
通過 Carl Moyer 計劃的資助來升級或替換非公路柴油設備。該計劃旨在減少加州重型柴油發動機造成的空氣污染。
加州空氣資源委員會 (ARB) 根據發動機類型和設備用途,確立了不同的非公路用設備條例。您必須確認您設備的監管狀態,核實您是否有資格申請補助。
以最清潔的可用替換設備,替換現有的老舊設備(也可以選擇翻新),最高占項目成本的 80%。
在 1) 替換發動機有配套的設備,且 2) 安裝不會引發安全風險或違規時,項目將要求增加一台 CARB 認證的改裝排放控制裝置。 設備業主可選擇不參加改裝要求。
申請人必須與 BAAQMD 已批准的 ERP 經銷商協作。
注:上面的 BAAQMD 已批准經銷商表將在有新的計劃參與者時更新。
Last Updated: 2022/9/29