
Draft Strategic Plan

Updated 2024/12/18

The Air District is accepting public comment on the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan.

Last fall, the Air District began developing a strategic plan to chart its priorities for the next five years. The 2024-2029 Strategic PlanLanguage Icon Globe, was developed through a collaborative process with community leaders, Air District employees, the Board of Directors and Community Advisory Council members, representatives from regulated industries, and our government partners. Together, we discussed what needs to change, what we are doing well, and where we can do better.

The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan is centered on four primary goals: achieve impact, advance environmental justice, foster cohesion and inclusion, and maintain an effective, accountable, and customer-oriented organization. The plan's goals are designed to move us closer to our long-term mission, and near-term vision, of organizational transformation. They are grounded in the Air District's core values: environmental justice, equity, integrity, partnership, transparency, and trust.

The Air District has also developed an Executive Summary of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan as a reference guide.

The Air District is accepting public comment on the draft Strategic Plan. Written comments will be accepted through August 5. To submit public comment, please email strategicplan@baaqmd.gov.

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Idania Zamora

415.749.4683 izamora@baaqmd.gov

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415.749.4925 criviere@baaqmd.gov

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Last Updated: 2024/12/18