The incident report(120 Kb PDF, 1 pg, posted 2025/2/2) for the fire at MRC in Martinez on 2/1 is now available on our website.
董事會於每月第 1 個和第 3 個星期三的早上 9:45 召開會議。會議地點位於管理局辦公樓七樓的董事會議室。
會議議程於會議召開前 72 個小時張貼於下方表格以及管理局辦公樓大廳。
The Agenda Packets and Approved Minutes table lists ongoing Board of Directors and committee meetings, as required by the Brown act. Meeting agendas are posted 72 hours before each meeting and additional materials will be added to each meeting as soon as they become available. Minutes and additional presentations are added after the meetings.
The nearest upcoming meeting is expanded by default when the page loads. The expanded view displays the time and location of the meeting, as well as links to audio / video recordings and other documents associated with the meeting if available.
Click the plus sign (+) to expand additional rows.
Click the minus sign (-) to collapse rows.
Click the Add to Your Calendar button to add the meeting to your personal calendar.
The View Full Calendar link will take you to the Air District's full calendar of upcoming events.
By default, meetings are listed in descending date order. The table can be reverse sorted by clicking the toggle in the Date column header. The table can also be sorted by the Meeting Type column.
Adjusting the sort will turn the column yellow to indicate which column the sort order is applied to.
You can find meetings by navigating through the table pages. Page numbers are located near the top of the table, just above the column headers.
The paging bar is duplicated at the bottom of the table for ease of access.
Often the nearest upcoming meeting will be on page two or three due to the inclusion of future meetings. You can move back or forward through the pages to access past or upcoming meetings as needed. By default, 10 table items show per table page. This can be adjusted in the Items per Page dropdown.
You can also search for meetings by using the filters at the top of the table. The filters include:
The Search & Filters area can be expanded or collapsed by using the toggle at the top.
Get instructions on using the Agenda Packets and Approved Minutes table.
Closed captioning may contain errors and omissions, and are not certified for their content or form.
Get instructions on using the Agenda Packets and Approved Minutes table.
Closed captioning may contain errors and omissions, and are not certified for their content or form.
Marcy Hiratzka
Clerk of the Boards, 行政管理
Vanessa Johnson
Executive Office
(415) 749-5016
Hearing Board
(415) 749-5073
Last Updated: 2025/1/31