
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Air District has announced the appointment of prominent environmental justice leader Arsenio Mataka as deputy executive officer for Equity & Community Programs at the agency's Community, Health and Environmental Justice Committee meeting.

Spare the Air Status

After an extensive nationwide recruitment, Arsenio was selected for the position by a panel comprised of Air District officials and notable Bay Area community leaders. In this role, he will oversee the agency's community engagement, strategic incentives, technology implementation and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Arsenio will serve as the primary liaison for environmental justice matters both internally and externally on behalf of the Air District.

Arsenio holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Sacramento State University and a Juris Doctor from Humphreys College School of Law. Arsenio has been a dedicated advocate for environmental justice and health equity, lending his voice to disadvantaged communities and underserved populations while collaborating with stakeholders across all levels of government.

Arsenio is a Biden-Harris Administration appointee where he led the establishment of two new offices at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Climate Change and Health Equity; and Office of Environmental Justice. He is currently serving as counselor to the secretary for climate change, environmental justice, civil rights and equity at the agency.

Arsenio brings a wealth of expertise to his new role within the Air District’s leadership team. His extensive experience includes serving as senior advisor on environmental policy and law to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and as a special advisor to California Governor Jerry Brown, where he played a pivotal role in crafting climate change legislation. Prior to this, he served as assistant secretary for environmental justice and tribal affairs at the California Environmental Protection Agency, where he spearheaded initiatives to mitigate environmental disparities in disadvantaged communities. 

Arsenio will start his role at the Air District on June 10, after he concludes his duties as counselor to the secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Air District is dedicated to addressing environmental disparities and promoting community engagement within the Bay Area. Through targeted initiatives and partnerships, the agency aims to reduce pollution burdens in disproportionally impacted communities, improve public health outcomes and confront environmental injustice. 

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Last Updated: 4/22/2024