Monday, November 25, 2019
The Air District Board of Directors recently voted to approve funding for a comprehensive odor study in the Milpitas-area.
While improvements have been made over the years as the result of collaboration between the Air District, local organizations, and the community, odors still persist in Milpitas. The study will use science-based methods to pinpoint the composition and source of odors to identify necessary improvements to better control and eliminate these impacts.
Along with experiencing a long history of odors, statewide organic waste diversion goals to move waste away from landfills and utilize environmentally sustainable options that reduce climate impacts have changed the waste industry significantly, including the odors generated from waste processing facilities that affect the Milpitas area.
In 2015, the South Bay Odor Stakeholders Group was formed as a forum for municipal leaders, industry, state and local regulators, including the Air District, and members of the community to collaborate in identifying and resolving odor issues in the South Bay. The group worked closely with Congressman Ro Khanna and Assemblymember Kansen Chu to develop odor mitigation strategies that address community concerns. Stakeholders expressed the importance to further study and understand the specific odor compounds and its contribution from the local waste facilities with the goal to develop near and long-term strategies that can help resolve odor problems in the community.
The study will include utilizing new technologies available to help identify and quantify odorous compounds and gather data over a period of a year or more to capture seasonal and operational changes in the waste industry. The Air District is committed to the mission to help the Milpitas community resolve the odor problems that have significantly affected their air quality.
View press release.
Last Updated: 11/25/2019