In this Bay Area Emissions Inventory Data interactive report, you can find:
The inventory is constantly reviewed and updated. The data shown in this report are in-line with the Bay Area Emissions Inventory Summary Report as presented on the Criteria Air Pollutants page. The Limitations and Future Improvements section of this report highlights inventory updates currently being worked on and not yet incorporated into this dataset.
Note: Emissions from biogenic or natural sources are not included here. Please refer to the California Air Resources Board Inventory page for more information.
Exploring the data:
Example: Which economic subsector contributed the most to NOx in Year 2021?
Answer: Ships
Steps: Derive this by making the following selections in order: Pollutant: NOx -> Year: 2021 ->
View results on Sub Sector Pie Chart
Tips on Viewing:
Last Updated: 9/11/2023