The Air District is aware of an odor in the Point Richmond and North Richmond areas. Air District inspectors are investigating and responding to complaints. Staff are in communication with Contra Costa Health to determine the cause and identify corrective actions. Follow instructions from local health officials.
Learn about key air pollutants and their emissions inventory for the San Francisco Bay Area.
To assess and regulate the air quality of a region, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set national ambient air quality standards for six criteria air pollutants. These pollutants include:
To learn more about these and other pollutants in the Bay Area you can use the Pollutant Glossary.
An overview of the San Francisco Bay Area’s emissions inventory of criteria air pollutants and/or their precursors from years 1990 to 2040 is provided in the Bay Area Emissions Inventory: Summary Report for Criteria Air Pollutants(2 Mb PDF, 46 pgs, posted 2/14/2024).
The pollutants included in the emissions inventory are particulate matter with diameters 10 micrometers and smaller (PM10) and 2.5 micrometers and smaller (PM2.5), total organic gases (TOG), reactive organic gases (ROG), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Ground-level Ozone (O3) is a secondary criteria air pollutant and formed when nitrogen oxides (NOx) react with a class of pollutants called reactive organic gases (ROG - see "Organic Compounds" in Pollutant Glossary) in the presence of sunlight. Since O3 is not directly emitted to the atmosphere, emissions of ROG, which is a precursor to O3 formation, are included in the inventory. Estimates of emissions for lead (Pb) are covered in the toxic air contaminants reporting process.
For this emissions inventory, a base year of 2015 is typically used as a reference point for estimating emissions for historical (backcasting) and future (forecasting) years. Wherever available, the most recently available data, including actual emissions, are included.
A few key inventory updates and improvements in the current version of the emissions inventory are listed here:
Last Updated: 8/21/2023