The Air District is aware of an odor in the Point Richmond and North Richmond areas. Air District inspectors are investigating and responding to complaints. Staff are in communication with Contra Costa Health to determine the cause and identify corrective actions. Follow instructions from local health officials.
Odor Advisory
The Air District is aware of an odor in the Point Richmond and North Richmond areas. Air District inspectors are investigating and responding to complaints. Staff are in communication with Contra Costa Health to determine the cause and identify corrective actions. Follow instructions from local health officials.
The California wildfire season usually takes place between spring and late fall. The Air District monitors general air quality in the Bay Area and will notify the public if wildfire smoke appears to be causing elevated levels of particulate pollution in the region.
Air Quality Resources
During wildfire incidents this year, the following resources may be of use:
In recent years, California has been plagued by an unprecedented series of wildfires that have ushered dense palls of smoke into the Bay Area - as the result of impacts brought about by climate change.
When wildfire smoke is afflicting the Bay Area, here are some ways you can be prepared and protect your family’s health.
In general, stay aware of local news coverage or health warnings related to smoke. Use common sense. If it looks smoky outside, avoid physical outside activities and don't let your children play outdoors.
How to Prepare for Wildfire Smoke
Weatherize the home in preparation for wildfires by replacing or refurbishing old leaky windows and doors; use caulking to seal the openings.
Consider purchasing a non-ozone producing air purifier (HEPA) to create a cleaner air room in the home, or consider purchasing a MERV 13 or greater filter for your HVAC system to be used when we are experiencing a heavy smoke event.
Consider upgrading to an HVAC system that allows for both heating and cooling and has the mechanism to switch to RECIRCULATE to prevent smoke from entering the space.
Individuals with health conditions should talk to their physicians to develop a personal plan for smoke.
Identify locations in your community that have cleaner filtered air spaces such as:
indoor shopping malls
local libraries
cooling centers
community centers
civic centers
local government buildings
Make a plan to go to a cleaner air location if you are unable to seal your home or if dense smoke occurs during hot weather events.
Special Health Concerns Related to Wildfire Smoke
Smoke can irritate the eyes and airways, causing coughing, a dry scratchy throat and irritated sinuses. Drink plenty of water during heavy smoke events.
Elevated particulate matter in the air can trigger wheezing in those who suffer from asthma, emphysema, COPD or other respiratory conditions.
Elderly persons, pregnant women, children and individuals with respiratory illnesses are particularly susceptible to elevated air pollution levels and should take extra precautions to avoid exposure.
Those with heart or lung disease, older adults, pregnant women, and children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion and either move or reschedule outdoor activities.
Asthmatics should follow their asthma management plan.
Individuals should contact their physician if they have symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms believed to be caused by the smoke. Concerned individuals should consult their physician for personalized recommendations.
What to Do During a Smoke Event
Leave the affected area, if possible, for the duration of the heavy smoke event.
Staying indoors with windows and doors closed, where air quality is better, is the best way to protect your health. During high heat and heavy smoke events, keep indoor air cool or visit a cleaner air-cooling center.
Set air conditioning units and car vent systems to recirculate to prevent outside air from moving inside.
Avoid adding additional air pollution by curtailing activities such as wood burning, lawn mowing, leaf blowing, driving, barbecuing, or other dust-producing activities.
Masks are not a substitute for staying indoors and must be fitted properly for best protection.
Masks can provide a false sense of security and may not provide the protection needed.
Bandanas and typical surgical masks do little to protect against wildfire smoke particles.
Certified N95 masks are currently not approved for children - new mask guidance for children is currently under consideration.
If unable to visit a cleaner air center or a cooling center, those that must be outside for extended periods of time may benefit from using a tight fitting N95 mask to reduce their exposure.
Wildfire Informational Videos
Watch the Air District’s informational video series, with tips and advice for protecting your health when wildfires are impacting air quality in the Bay Area.
Additional Resources
View three U.S. EPA videos in both English and Spanish about wildfire smoke: