Air Quality Complaint Policy and Procedures

Learn about the Air District's Complaint Policy and Procedures and how we investigate air pollution concerns to ensure compliance with air quality rules and regulations. 

The Air Quality Complaint Policy and Procedures provides an overview of the Air District’s Complaint Program and guides inspectors in their response and investigation of potential and ongoing releases of air emissions.

Air Quality Complaint Process

  • 1. Dispatcher Receives Complaint
    Dispatcher records the complaint and sends the complaint details to the Inspector.
  • 2. Inspector Responds to and
    Investigates the Complaint
    The Inspector may call or meet with you in person as part of the investigation to determine the possible source and cause of emissions.
  • 3. Inspector Conducts Inspection at
    Potential Source of Emissions
    Inspector conducts an inspection at the alleged site to determine compliance with applicable air quality regulations and ensures the site mitigates and resolves any emissions or compliance concerns. Enforcement action may be taken if an air quality violation is discovered.
  • 4. Inspector Determines Complaint Status and
    Documents Investigation Findings
    The Inspector determines the complaint status and follows up with the complainant on the investigation findings. A copy of the investigation report may be requested when first reporting the complaint or after the Inspector’s investigation through Air District Public Records.

Update – Air Quality Complaint Workshops in 2020

The Air District completed a series of five public workshops in early 2020 to solicit public input on the air quality complaint investigation process. Enhancements to the Air Quality Complaint Policy and Procedures were made to address public comments from the workshops where feasible.

Information about the public workshop comments and the updated policy and procedures can be found below:

Spare the Air Status

Last Updated: 6/11/2024