There are many ways to be informed about Spare the Air Alerts.
Spare the Air Alerts are shown prominently on the and websites, as well as
Twitter, and
You can call 1-800-HELP AIR year-round to find out if a Spare the Air Alert is in effect, and 1 877-4NO-BURN to find out if there is a Spare the Air wood-burning ban in place.
You can sign up for Spare the Air text alerts, by texting the word “START” to 817-57.
You can
sign up for AirAlerts, an email service that informs the public the day before a Spare the Air Alert is called.
You can sign up to receive an
automated phone call when Spare the Air Alerts for particulate matter pollution are issued, making wood burning illegal.
You can download the Spare the Air
iPhone or
android apps, which notify users when a Spare the Air Alert is in effect.
Many television and radio stations announce Spare the Air Alerts. And several Bay Area newspapers carry the
air quality forecast, usually on the weather page of the papers.