
  • Agencies Celebrate Completion of SF Bay Ferry Clean Air Conversion Project
    Agencies Celebrate Completion of SF Bay Ferry Clean Air Conversion Project

    The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority and the Air District announced that WETA’s Gemini Class Clean Air Conversion Project has been completed, resulting in a substantial decrease in air pollution emissions from four San Francisco Bay Ferry vessels serving Oakland, Alameda, and Richmond.

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    The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority and the Air District announced that WETA’s Gemini Class Clean Air Conversion Project has been completed, resulting in a substantial decrease in air pollution emissions from four San Francisco Bay Ferry vessels serving Oakland, Alameda, and Richmond.

  • Clean Buildings
    Clean Buildings

    Learn about the Air District’s work to accelerate the transition to healthy, clean, and climate-friendly buildings for all.

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    Learn about the Air District’s work to accelerate the transition to healthy, clean, and climate-friendly buildings for all.

  • 康特拉科斯塔縣 (Contra Costa County)
    康特拉科斯塔縣 (Contra Costa County)


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  • 舊金山縣


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  • 目前計劃


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  • 正在制訂的規則


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  • 專家監測組


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  • 野火安全


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  • 污染物術語表


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  • 有關許可申請的公開評論


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  • Permit Applications Received
    Permit Applications Received

    View a list of permit applications received by the Air District.

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    View a list of permit applications received by the Air District.

  • 校車


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  • 反歧視政策與投訴程序

    灣區空氣品質管理局 (Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BAAQMD) 在對其計畫或活動的管理過程中,不會基於下列原因而歧視任何人:種族、國籍、族群認同、血統、宗教信仰、年齡、性別、性取向、性別認同、性別表達、膚色、遺傳資訊、醫療狀況、或心理或生理殘疾、或任何其他受法律保護的特質或信仰。BAAQMD不會針對個人或團體的以下行為或出於干擾下述權利的目的而進行恫嚇或報復:行使其參與《美國聯邦法規》(Code of Federal Regulations, C.F.R.) 第 40 篇第5和第7 部分所保護行動的權利,或行使其反對該法律所禁止行動的權利。

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    灣區空氣品質管理局 (Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BAAQMD) 在對其計畫或活動的管理過程中,不會基於下列原因而歧視任何人:種族、國籍、族群認同、血統、宗教信仰、年齡、性別、性取向、性別認同、性別表達、膚色、遺傳資訊、醫療狀況、或心理或生理殘疾、或任何其他受法律保護的特質或信仰。BAAQMD不會針對個人或團體的以下行為或出於干擾下述權利的目的而進行恫嚇或報復:行使其參與《美國聯邦法規》(Code of Federal Regulations, C.F.R.) 第 40 篇第5和第7 部分所保護行動的權利,或行使其反對該法律所禁止行動的權利。

  • Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
    Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

    十月 9, 2015 ... Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 12-15: Petroleum Refining Emissions Tracking Regulation 12-16: Petroleum Refining ...

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    (2 Mb PDF, 243 pgs)

    十月 9, 2015 ... Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 12-15: Petroleum Refining Emissions Tracking Regulation 12-16: Petroleum Refining ...

  • Final Environmental Impact Report
    Final Environmental Impact Report

    Apr 12, 2017 ... FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT State Clearinghouse No. 2016062046 April ...

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    (15 Mb PDF, 697 pgs)

    Apr 12, 2017 ... FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT State Clearinghouse No. 2016062046 April ...

  • Draft CEQA Negative Declaration
    Draft CEQA Negative Declaration

    十月 23, 2015 ... Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District BAAQMD Petroleum Refinery Emissions Reduction Strategy Prepared for: Bay ...

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    (544 Kb PDF, 99 pgs)

    十月 23, 2015 ... Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District BAAQMD Petroleum Refinery Emissions Reduction Strategy Prepared for: Bay ...

  • Implementation Procedures
    Implementation Procedures

    Aug 31, 2023 ... BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18 Implementation Procedures August 2020 H:\Engineering\Rule 11-18\Implementation Plans\Implementation Procedures ...

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    (892 Kb PDF, 29 pgs)

    Aug 31, 2023 ... BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18 Implementation Procedures August 2020 H:\Engineering\Rule 11-18\Implementation Plans\Implementation Procedures ...

  • Rule 11-18 Implementation Procedures
    Rule 11-18 Implementation Procedures

    Aug 31, 2023 ... BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18 Implementation Procedures August 2020 H:\Engineering\Rule 11-18\Implementation Plans\Implementation Procedures ...

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    (892 Kb PDF, 33 pgs)

    Aug 31, 2023 ... BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18 Implementation Procedures August 2020 H:\Engineering\Rule 11-18\Implementation Plans\Implementation Procedures ...

  • Board Agenda
    Board Agenda

    Feb 28, 2019 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 6, 2019 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

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    (5 Mb PDF, 299 pgs)

    Feb 28, 2019 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 6, 2019 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

  • Stationary Source Sector
    Stationary Source Sector

    Jan 9, 2017 ... 2017 Plan Volume 2 — Stationary Source Sector SS1: Fluid Catalytic Cracking in Refineries Brief Summary: This control measure will reduce emissions of condensable particulate matter (PM) from ...

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    (1 Mb PDF, 121 pgs)

    Jan 9, 2017 ... 2017 Plan Volume 2 — Stationary Source Sector SS1: Fluid Catalytic Cracking in Refineries Brief Summary: This control measure will reduce emissions of condensable particulate matter (PM) from ...

Spare the Air Status

上次更新: 2016/11/8