
  • Community Advisory Council Trainings
    Community Advisory Council Trainings

    Learn about Community Advisory Council informational trainings. 

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    Learn about Community Advisory Council informational trainings. 

  • Departments

    The Air District's departments are structured to create a responsive, flexible, and thorough framework.

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    The Air District's departments are structured to create a responsive, flexible, and thorough framework.

  • Stan Hayes
    Stan Hayes

    Stan Hayes

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    Stan Hayes

  • 石棉拆除和改造通知/工作編號


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  • 鍋爐、蒸汽發生器、流程加熱器

    條例 9 規則 7 要求部分鍋爐、蒸汽發生器及流程加熱器向管理局登記備案,並遵守規則中所列的排放限制,從 2011 年 1 月 1 日起生效。

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    條例 9 規則 7 要求部分鍋爐、蒸汽發生器及流程加熱器向管理局登記備案,並遵守規則中所列的排放限制,從 2011 年 1 月 1 日起生效。

  • 通勤優惠計劃


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  • 關於空氣局

    Learn about the Air District, our Board of Directors, our leadership, our mission, our history and how you can join us in protecting public health, air quality, and the global climate.

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    Learn about the Air District, our Board of Directors, our leadership, our mission, our history and how you can join us in protecting public health, air quality, and the global climate.

  • 委員會


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  • 貨物流通計劃

    通過 Carl Moyer 計劃的資助改裝或替換柴油貨運設備,或改善貨運基礎設施。

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    通過 Carl Moyer 計劃的資助改裝或替換柴油貨運設備,或改善貨運基礎設施。

  • 露天焚燒通知和狀態


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  • 反歧視政策與投訴程序

    灣區空氣品質管理局 (Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BAAQMD) 在對其計畫或活動的管理過程中,不會基於下列原因而歧視任何人:種族、國籍、族群認同、血統、宗教信仰、年齡、性別、性取向、性別認同、性別表達、膚色、遺傳資訊、醫療狀況、或心理或生理殘疾、或任何其他受法律保護的特質或信仰。BAAQMD不會針對個人或團體的以下行為或出於干擾下述權利的目的而進行恫嚇或報復:行使其參與《美國聯邦法規》(Code of Federal Regulations, C.F.R.) 第 40 篇第5和第7 部分所保護行動的權利,或行使其反對該法律所禁止行動的權利。

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    灣區空氣品質管理局 (Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BAAQMD) 在對其計畫或活動的管理過程中,不會基於下列原因而歧視任何人:種族、國籍、族群認同、血統、宗教信仰、年齡、性別、性取向、性別認同、性別表達、膚色、遺傳資訊、醫療狀況、或心理或生理殘疾、或任何其他受法律保護的特質或信仰。BAAQMD不會針對個人或團體的以下行為或出於干擾下述權利的目的而進行恫嚇或報復:行使其參與《美國聯邦法規》(Code of Federal Regulations, C.F.R.) 第 40 篇第5和第7 部分所保護行動的權利,或行使其反對該法律所禁止行動的權利。

  • 空氣局歷史

    查看空氣局自 1955 年以來在改善灣區空氣品質方面作出的努力。

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    查看空氣局自 1955 年以來在改善灣區空氣品質方面作出的努力。

  • Online Asbestos Notification System Building Department
    Online Asbestos Notification System Building Department

    Jan 12, 2018 ... Compliance Advisory January 22, 2018 Online Asbestos Notifications This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of the ...

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    (66 Kb PDF, 1 pg)

    Jan 12, 2018 ... Compliance Advisory January 22, 2018 Online Asbestos Notifications This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of the ...

  • Removal of Manual Payment Option
    Removal of Manual Payment Option

    Oct 12, 2022 ... Compliance Advisory October 14, 2022 Removal of Manual Payment Option Asbestos Operations This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of the Air District which may affect your ...

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    (359 Kb PDF, 1 pg)

    Oct 12, 2022 ... Compliance Advisory October 14, 2022 Removal of Manual Payment Option Asbestos Operations This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of the Air District which may affect your ...

  • Online Asbestos Notification System Contractor Advisory
    Online Asbestos Notification System Contractor Advisory

    Jan 12, 2018 ... Compliance Advisory January 22, 2018 Online Asbestos Notifications This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of ...

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    (564 Kb PDF, 1 pg)

    Jan 12, 2018 ... Compliance Advisory January 22, 2018 Online Asbestos Notifications This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of ...

  • Board Agenda
    Board Agenda

    Feb 13, 2020 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING February 19, 2020 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

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    (1 Mb PDF, 105 pgs)

    Feb 13, 2020 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING February 19, 2020 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

  • Budget FYE 2016
    Budget FYE 2016

    Jun 15, 2015 ... APPROVED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2016 March 13, 2007 BAAQMD Fiscal Year Ending 2016 i ...

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    (2 Mb PDF, 205 pgs)

    Jun 15, 2015 ... APPROVED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2016 March 13, 2007 BAAQMD Fiscal Year Ending 2016 i ...

  • CEQA Guidelines Chapter 6 Project Climate Impacts
    CEQA Guidelines Chapter 6 Project Climate Impacts

    四月 10, 2023 ... These guidelines are nonbinding recommendations, intended to assist lead agencies with navigating the CEQA process. They may be updated as needed in the future, and any updates will likewise be ...

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    (975 Kb PDF, 12 pgs)

    四月 10, 2023 ... These guidelines are nonbinding recommendations, intended to assist lead agencies with navigating the CEQA process. They may be updated as needed in the future, and any updates will likewise be ...

  • Board Agenda
    Board Agenda

    Feb 28, 2019 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 6, 2019 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

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    (5 Mb PDF, 299 pgs)

    Feb 28, 2019 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 6, 2019 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

  • Council Minutes
    Council Minutes

    Nov 22, 2022 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District 375 Beale Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, California 94105 (415) 749-5073 APPROVED MINUTES Community Advisory Council Thursday, September 8, 2022 ...

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    (96 Kb PDF, 17 pgs)

    Nov 22, 2022 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District 375 Beale Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, California 94105 (415) 749-5073 APPROVED MINUTES Community Advisory Council Thursday, September 8, 2022 ...

Spare the Air Status

上次更新: 2016/11/8