241 results for 'Refinery Refinery'
Search: 'Refinery Refinery'
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Learn about the Air District's process for amending definitions of Petroleum Refinery, Gasoline, and Liquid Petroleum Gas in several refinery rules of Air District regulations.
Read MoreLearn about the Air District's process for amending definitions of Petroleum Refinery, Gasoline, and Liquid Petroleum Gas in several refinery rules of Air District regulations.
View data summarizing monthly flaring activity at Bay Area Refineries.
Read MoreView data summarizing monthly flaring activity at Bay Area Refineries.
Intermittent visible emissions expected during facility shutdown.
Read MoreIntermittent visible emissions expected during facility shutdown.
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced today that recent flaring incidents at the Chevron Refinery in Richmond have resulted in the increased scrutiny of monitoring data as well as investigations as to the cause of the events.
Read MoreThe Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced today that recent flaring incidents at the Chevron Refinery in Richmond have resulted in the increased scrutiny of monitoring data as well as investigations as to the cause of the events.
The Air District announced a recent settlement with Shell Oil Products U.S. to pay a $208,000 civil penalty for air quality violations at its refinery in Martinez. The settlement covers 12 notices of violation that the Air District issued for incidents that occurred in 2013.
Read MoreThe Air District announced a recent settlement with Shell Oil Products U.S. to pay a $208,000 civil penalty for air quality violations at its refinery in Martinez. The settlement covers 12 notices of violation that the Air District issued for incidents that occurred in 2013.
The Air District is hosting a series of workshops to implement additional air monitoring in communities located near refineries.
Read MoreThe Air District is hosting a series of workshops to implement additional air monitoring in communities located near refineries.
The Air District announced today that it has fined the Marathon Martinez Refinery, which is operated by Marathon subsidiary Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC, $5 million for air quality violations. This is the second largest penalty ever assessed by the Air District.
Read MoreThe Air District announced today that it has fined the Marathon Martinez Refinery, which is operated by Marathon subsidiary Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC, $5 million for air quality violations. This is the second largest penalty ever assessed by the Air District.
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced that Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. has agreed to pay $4 million to settle alleged air pollution violations at its Golden Eagle Refinery in Martinez.
Read MoreThe Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced that Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. has agreed to pay $4 million to settle alleged air pollution violations at its Golden Eagle Refinery in Martinez.
On Wednesday, December 16, the Air District’s Board of Directors will consider three petroleum refining rules and amendments for adoption. The Air District originally planned to bring six rules for consideration, but due to the large number of public comments received, extra time is required to consider changes to the three remaining rules.
Read MoreOn Wednesday, December 16, the Air District’s Board of Directors will consider three petroleum refining rules and amendments for adoption. The Air District originally planned to bring six rules for consideration, but due to the large number of public comments received, extra time is required to consider changes to the three remaining rules.
Today the Air District’s Board of Directors unanimously adopted one rule and two new rule amendments, part of a larger overall suite of new refinery-focused regulations that further tighten air pollution controls on petroleum refining activity in the Bay Area.
Read MoreToday the Air District’s Board of Directors unanimously adopted one rule and two new rule amendments, part of a larger overall suite of new refinery-focused regulations that further tighten air pollution controls on petroleum refining activity in the Bay Area.
The Air District's Board of Directors has adopted two new regulations to further tighten air pollution controls on petroleum operations at Bay Area refineries. Regulation 9, Rule 14 reduces sulfur dioxide emissions from the largest Bay Area source, coke calcining. Regulation 12, Rule 15 is a first-of-its-kind requirement that will better enable the Air District to track refinery emissions as changes are made at the facilities.
Read MoreThe Air District's Board of Directors has adopted two new regulations to further tighten air pollution controls on petroleum operations at Bay Area refineries. Regulation 9, Rule 14 reduces sulfur dioxide emissions from the largest Bay Area source, coke calcining. Regulation 12, Rule 15 is a first-of-its-kind requirement that will better enable the Air District to track refinery emissions as changes are made at the facilities.
The Air District's Board of Directors has voted to set the stage for Regulation 12, Rule 16 to cap greenhouse gas emissions from the region’s five refineries, creating a model for the state and nation to follow.
Read MoreThe Air District's Board of Directors has voted to set the stage for Regulation 12, Rule 16 to cap greenhouse gas emissions from the region’s five refineries, creating a model for the state and nation to follow.
Smoke from refinery blowing over Solano and Contra Costa counties.
Read MoreSmoke from refinery blowing over Solano and Contra Costa counties.
The Air District is hosting a series of open houses to discuss the agency’s four new and amended draft petroleum refinery emissions reduction rules. Open houses will be held in Martinez on Sept, 15, Benicia on Sept. 17, and Richmond on Sept. 28. The public comment period for the rules and amendments closes on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015.
Read MoreThe Air District is hosting a series of open houses to discuss the agency’s four new and amended draft petroleum refinery emissions reduction rules. Open houses will be held in Martinez on Sept, 15, Benicia on Sept. 17, and Richmond on Sept. 28. The public comment period for the rules and amendments closes on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015.
The Air District is releasing the annual updates to the refinery Flare Minimization Plans (FMP), for public review and comment. The five Bay Area refineries prepare these plans subject to the requirements of Regulation 12, Rule 12: Flares at Refineries.
Read MoreThe Air District is releasing the annual updates to the refinery Flare Minimization Plans (FMP), for public review and comment. The five Bay Area refineries prepare these plans subject to the requirements of Regulation 12, Rule 12: Flares at Refineries.
The Air District is releasing the annual updates to the Flare Minimization Plans, or FMPs, for public review and comment. The five Bay Area refineries prepare these plans subject to the requirements of Regulation 12, Rule 12: Flares at Refineries.
Read MoreThe Air District is releasing the annual updates to the Flare Minimization Plans, or FMPs, for public review and comment. The five Bay Area refineries prepare these plans subject to the requirements of Regulation 12, Rule 12: Flares at Refineries.
The Air District is releasing the annual updates to the Flare Minimization Plans, or FMPs, for public review and comment. The five Bay Area refineries prepare these plans subject to the requirements of Regulation 12, Rule 12: Flares at Refineries.
Read MoreThe Air District is releasing the annual updates to the Flare Minimization Plans, or FMPs, for public review and comment. The five Bay Area refineries prepare these plans subject to the requirements of Regulation 12, Rule 12: Flares at Refineries.
The Air District has issued four violations to the Chevron refinery in Richmond for the December 28, 2016, incident that resulted in an upset and flaring at the refinery and many odor complaints in San Francisco and Richmond.
Read MoreThe Air District has issued four violations to the Chevron refinery in Richmond for the December 28, 2016, incident that resulted in an upset and flaring at the refinery and many odor complaints in San Francisco and Richmond.
On Monday, September 28, the Air District is hosting the last of a series of open houses to discuss the agency’s four new and amended draft petroleum refinery emissions reduction rules. This open house will be held at Lincoln Elementary School in Richmond starting at 6pm. The public comment period for these rules and amendments closes on Friday, Oct. 2.
Read MoreOn Monday, September 28, the Air District is hosting the last of a series of open houses to discuss the agency’s four new and amended draft petroleum refinery emissions reduction rules. This open house will be held at Lincoln Elementary School in Richmond starting at 6pm. The public comment period for these rules and amendments closes on Friday, Oct. 2.
Cập Nhật Lần Cuối: 08/11/2016