Event Sponsorship

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District supports and sponsors public events, conferences, and community programs that align with our central mission - to improve air quality to protect public health, reduce historical and current environmental inequities, and mitigate climate change and its impacts.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District sponsors public events, conferences, public health programs and other activities that align with or help further its mission to create a healthy breathing environment for Bay Area residents while protecting and improving public health, air quality and the global climate.

The goal of Air District sponsorships is to advance the work of the Air District to promote clean air, behavior change, public health, greenhouse gas reductions and air quality education through public outreach, community engagement and partnerships. The Air District strives to support partnerships and events that introduce the Air District’s mission and initiatives to audiences who may not be familiar with them and to gain their support. The Air District’s objective is to promote transparency, equity, fairness, and best practices through its sponsorships policy and procedures.

To qualify for sponsorship, an organization or activity must fall within one or more of the following categories:

  1. Showcasing Air District Programs and Initiatives through an event that provides an opportunity for the Air District to engage with key audiences and share information regarding the Air District’s mission and work by encouraging and promoting air quality improvement and behavior change, answering air quality questions, enrolling the public to receive Spare the Air Alerts or other Air District social media notifications, and other similar activities.
  2. Education, Training and Networking Opportunity for Air District Workforce through attendance at professional conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposia hosted by trade, state, federal or professional organizations. This may also include opportunities for panel participation and staffing a booth that showcases the Air District’s activities.
  3. Community Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations to promote clean air initiatives that improve community health, further air pollution and greenhouse gas education and reduction goals, and other similar efforts.

Events must meet the requirements below, if applicable, to be eligible for a sponsorship:

  • The Air District has available resources to staff an event or provide requested materials.
  • The audience is made up of key stakeholders including Bay Area residents, air quality health practitioners, air quality professionals, and other groups that focus on clean air and greenhouse gas reductions.
  • The sponsored event aligns with the mission and priorities outlined in the Air District’s Strategic Plan and helps build Air District partnerships with various organizations who can help advance Air District goals.

Direct questions to sponsorships@baaqmd.gov

Sponsorship Request Form

Spare the Air Status

Last Updated: 13/02/2025