Tìm Kiếm

  • Permit Applications Received
    Permit Applications Received

    View a list of permit applications received by the Air District.

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    View a list of permit applications received by the Air District.

  • Cẩm Nang Chính Sách và Thủ Tục Công Trình
    Cẩm Nang Chính Sách và Thủ Tục Công Trình

    Xem Cẩm Nang Chính Sách và Thủ Tục Công Trình, một nguồn tài nguyên cho đương đơn xin giấy phép và nhân viên của Địa Hạt Không Khí Không khí về các điều kiện của quá trình thẩm định cấp giấy phép.

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    Xem Cẩm Nang Chính Sách và Thủ Tục Công Trình, một nguồn tài nguyên cho đương đơn xin giấy phép và nhân viên của Địa Hạt Không Khí Không khí về các điều kiện của quá trình thẩm định cấp giấy phép.

  • Final Title V Permit
    Final Title V Permit

    Jun 19, 2015 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 771-6000 Final MAJOR FACILITY REVIEW PERMIT Issued To: Mariposa Energy, LLC Facility # ...

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    (1 Mb PDF, 72 pgs)

    Jun 19, 2015 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 771-6000 Final MAJOR FACILITY REVIEW PERMIT Issued To: Mariposa Energy, LLC Facility # ...

  • Engineering Evaluation
    Engineering Evaluation

    Jul 31, 2008 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 771-6000 Permit Evaluation and Statement of Basis for Minor Revision to the MAJOR FACILITY ...

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    (94 Kb PDF, 27 pgs)

    Jul 31, 2008 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 771-6000 Permit Evaluation and Statement of Basis for Minor Revision to the MAJOR FACILITY ...

  • CEQA Guidelines Chapter 6 Project Climate Impacts
    CEQA Guidelines Chapter 6 Project Climate Impacts

    四月 10, 2023 ... These guidelines are nonbinding recommendations, intended to assist lead agencies with navigating the CEQA process. They may be updated as needed in the future, and any updates will likewise be ...

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    (975 Kb PDF, 12 pgs)

    四月 10, 2023 ... These guidelines are nonbinding recommendations, intended to assist lead agencies with navigating the CEQA process. They may be updated as needed in the future, and any updates will likewise be ...

  • Shell FMP Updates
    Shell FMP Updates

    Sep 22, 2014 ... Shell Martinez Refinery Regulation 12 Rule 12 FLARE MINIMIZATION PLAN PUBLIC VERSION Updated October 1, 2014 Submitted to: Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis Street ...

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    (973 Kb PDF, 106 pgs)

    Sep 22, 2014 ... Shell Martinez Refinery Regulation 12 Rule 12 FLARE MINIMIZATION PLAN PUBLIC VERSION Updated October 1, 2014 Submitted to: Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis Street ...

  • Board Agenda
    Board Agenda

    Feb 28, 2019 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 6, 2019 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

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    (5 Mb PDF, 299 pgs)

    Feb 28, 2019 ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 6, 2019 A meeting of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors will be held at 9:30 st a.m. in the 1 Floor ...

  • Final Environmental Impact Report
    Final Environmental Impact Report

    Apr 12, 2017 ... FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT State Clearinghouse No. 2016062046 April ...

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    (15 Mb PDF, 697 pgs)

    Apr 12, 2017 ... FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT State Clearinghouse No. 2016062046 April ...

  • PEV Planning Concepts
    PEV Planning Concepts

    Oct 22, 2012 ... Bay Area and Monterey Bay Regions PEV Planning Concepts Document August 2012 Prepared for the: In Partnership with: Prepared by: ...

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    (1 Mb PDF, 110 pgs)

    Oct 22, 2012 ... Bay Area and Monterey Bay Regions PEV Planning Concepts Document August 2012 Prepared for the: In Partnership with: Prepared by: ...

Spare the Air Status

Cập Nhật Lần Cuối: 08/11/2016