
NSR Permitting Guidance

Learn about the Air District's training presentation and handbook designed to help applicants learn about important changes to the New Source Review permitting rules.

New Source Review Handbook and Training

The Air District’s training presentation, entitled New Source Review Permitting Under Regulation 2, Rule 2: Introduction to Recent Regulatory Changes, and the Complex Permitting Handbook for BAAQMD New Source Review Permitting1 are designed to help applicants learn about important changes to the “New Source Review”permitting rules that came into effect on August 31, 2016.  The training focuses on the more complex permitting issues that arise at major facilities such as power plants, petroleum refineries, chemical plants, factories, and other large industrial facilities.

An archive of the webcast of the Technical Workshop and Training Session on Revised New Source Review Rules held on September 30, 2016, is also available. 


  1. The Complex Permitting Handbook for BAAQMD New Source Review Permitting is copyright of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District – commercial reproduction or use of this handbook is prohibited without express written consent.

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Last Updated: 19/10/2016