El 19 de noviembre de 2008, la Junta Directiva del Distrito para el Control de la Calidad del Aire del Área de la Bahía adoptó la Regulación 8, Regla 20, Sección 408: Registro de instalaciones pequeñas. Todas las instalaciones que contengan operaciones de artes gráficas que estén sujetas a este requisito administrativo deberán registrar su operación ante el BAAQMD y pagar las tarifas correspondientes.
Under Regulation 8, Rule 20, a graphic arts operation is defined as “a gravure, publication gravure, flexographic printing, digital printing, screen printing, letterpress, or lithographic printing operation; an associated coating, laminating, or adhesive operation to produce a printed product; and the use of solvents for any surface preparation or cleanup for any of the operations stated above.”
A graphic arts operation is subject to registration if:
To help you estimate the VOC emissions from your graphic arts operation, you may use this Graphic Arts Operations Emissions Estimation Tool(44 Kb XLS, revised 19/01/2011) spreadsheet.
A graphic arts operation is exempt from registration and Permit to Operate requirements if:
A graphic arts operation is not subject to registration but requires a Permit to Operate if the total emissions from the all graphic arts operation activities are 400 pounds or more of VOCs per month.
The owner/operator subject to registration is required to:
Online Permitting System
Eligible facilities can log in to apply for new registrations and renewals on the Air District's online permitting system web page.
The Air District will issue renewal invoices to facilities with registered Graphic Arts Operations whose registrations have an expiration date on or after January 1, 2016. Future renewal invoices will be sent out annually, typically 30 to 60 days before expiration.
Please contact us if your registration has an expiration date before January 1, 2016 and you still require a registration.
The registration fees are provided in Regulation 3, Schedule R. Both initial registration fee and annual renewal fee are for each facility. Late registrations and late payment penalties may apply.
415 749-4762 asbestosjobs@baaqmd.gov
Cumplimiento y Ejecución
Underground Tanks
415 749.4999
Mesa de ayuda del sistema de permisos en línea
415.749.8665 | PermitHelp@BAAQMD.gov PermitHelp@BAAQMD.gov
Grants Programs Information Request Line
415 749-4994 grants@baaqmd.gov
Información general de ingeniería
415.749.4990 permits@baaqmd.gov
Last Updated: 21/06/2021