
  • Archived CEQA Guidelines
    Archived CEQA Guidelines

    View an historical archive of the the Air District's CEQA Guidelines. 

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    View an historical archive of the the Air District's CEQA Guidelines. 

  • Pautas actualizadas de la CEQA
    Pautas actualizadas de la CEQA

    Obtenga información acerca de las Pautas de la CEQA del Distrito de Aire, que ayuda a las agencias a evaluar los impactos en la calidad del aire de los proyectos y planes propuestos.

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    Obtenga información acerca de las Pautas de la CEQA del Distrito de Aire, que ayuda a las agencias a evaluar los impactos en la calidad del aire de los proyectos y planes propuestos.

  • Phillips 66 – Marine Terminal Permit on Hold – Informational Update
    Phillips 66 – Marine Terminal Permit on Hold – Informational Update

    The Air District’s review of Permit Application 25608 (Marine Terminal Permit Revision) is on hold pending the County’s CEQA review of the Phillips 66 Rodeo Renewed Project.

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    The Air District’s review of Permit Application 25608 (Marine Terminal Permit Revision) is on hold pending the County’s CEQA review of the Phillips 66 Rodeo Renewed Project.

  • Strategies

    This Strategies section includes links to the Air District’s CEQA Mitigation Database and links to other resources to reduce air quality and greenhouse gas emissions and exposure. 

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    This Strategies section includes links to the Air District’s CEQA Mitigation Database and links to other resources to reduce air quality and greenhouse gas emissions and exposure. 

  • Air District publishes first-of-its-kind environmental justice guidance
    Air District publishes first-of-its-kind environmental justice guidance

    The Air District has published an environmental justice chapter, "Best Practices for Centering Environmental Justice, Health, and Equity," in the agency’s recently updated California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, Air Quality Guidelines. 

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    The Air District has published an environmental justice chapter, "Best Practices for Centering Environmental Justice, Health, and Equity," in the agency’s recently updated California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, Air Quality Guidelines. 

  • Herramientas y metodologías
    Herramientas y metodologías

    Obtenga información acerca de las Pautas de la CEQA del Distrito de Aire, que ayuda a las agencias a evaluar los impactos en la calidad del aire de los proyectos y planes propuestos.

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    Obtenga información acerca de las Pautas de la CEQA del Distrito de Aire, que ayuda a las agencias a evaluar los impactos en la calidad del aire de los proyectos y planes propuestos.

  • Air Quality Models and Data
    Air Quality Models and Data

    These resources can assist practitioners in evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.

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    These resources can assist practitioners in evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.

  • Handbooks and Guidance
    Handbooks and Guidance

    These resources can assist practitioners in evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.

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    These resources can assist practitioners in evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.

  • Health Risk Screening and Modeling
    Health Risk Screening and Modeling

    These resources can assist practitioners in evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.

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    These resources can assist practitioners in evaluating air quality and climate impacts during the environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The tools, data, methodologies, and guidance provided do not represent an exhaustive list and should be used in conjunction with other resources.

  • Planes y clima
    Planes y clima

    Obtenga información sobre los planes de la calidad del aire y de otros tipos, así como sobre los esfuerzos para reducir el cambio climático, interesar a nuestras comunidades, proporcionar la CEQA y otras herramientas a los gobiernos locales y evaluar el riesgo para la salud en las instalaciones reguladas.

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    Obtenga información sobre los planes de la calidad del aire y de otros tipos, así como sobre los esfuerzos para reducir el cambio climático, interesar a nuestras comunidades, proporcionar la CEQA y otras herramientas a los gobiernos locales y evaluar el riesgo para la salud en las instalaciones reguladas.

  • AERMOD-Ready Meteorological Data
    AERMOD-Ready Meteorological Data

    The Air District provides meteorological data to help local governments understand existing air quality conditions and reduce impacts from proposed land use projects and plans.

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    The Air District provides meteorological data to help local governments understand existing air quality conditions and reduce impacts from proposed land use projects and plans.

  • Cartas de comentarios
    Cartas de comentarios

    Vea las cartas enviadas a las ciudades y los condados locales por el Distrito de Aire con comentarios acerca del análisis de calidad del aire de un proyecto.

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    Vea las cartas enviadas a las ciudades y los condados locales por el Distrito de Aire con comentarios acerca del análisis de calidad del aire de un proyecto.

  • Ley de Calidad Medioambiental de California
    Ley de Calidad Medioambiental de California

    Obtenga información acerca de la Ley de Calidad Medioambiental de California y de los esfuerzos del Distrito de Aire para reducir los impactos de los proyectos y planes propuestos en la calidad del aire.

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    Obtenga información acerca de la Ley de Calidad Medioambiental de California y de los esfuerzos del Distrito de Aire para reducir los impactos de los proyectos y planes propuestos en la calidad del aire.

  • CEQA Study
    CEQA Study


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    (4 Mb PDF, 87 pgs)


  • CEQA Findings
    CEQA Findings

    Feb 11, 2015 ... ...

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    (275 Kb PDF, 4 pgs)

    Feb 11, 2015 ... ...

  • CEQA Negative Declaration
    CEQA Negative Declaration

    Feb 16, 2012 ... Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 8, Rule 53: Vacuum Truck Operations Prepared for: Bay Area Air ...

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    (344 Kb PDF, 83 pgs)

    Feb 16, 2012 ... Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 8, Rule 53: Vacuum Truck Operations Prepared for: Bay Area Air ...

  • CEQA Oakland Presentation
    CEQA Oakland Presentation

    Apr 29, 2010 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District CEQA Guidelines Update Public Workshop, Oakland April 26, 2010 Planning and Research Division Bay Area Air Quality Management ...

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    (1 Mb PDF, 42 pgs)

    Apr 29, 2010 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District CEQA Guidelines Update Public Workshop, Oakland April 26, 2010 Planning and Research Division Bay Area Air Quality Management ...

  • BAAQMD CEQA Thresholds
    BAAQMD CEQA Thresholds

    Feb 27, 2020 ... 1 CEQA Thresholds of Significance Project-Level Criteria Pollutant Thresholds Construction Average Operational Average Operational Max Criteria Pollutant Daily Emissions Daily Emissions Annual ...

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    (218 Kb PDF, 2 pgs)

    Feb 27, 2020 ... 1 CEQA Thresholds of Significance Project-Level Criteria Pollutant Thresholds Construction Average Operational Average Operational Max Criteria Pollutant Daily Emissions Daily Emissions Annual ...

  • CEQA Workshop 4_15_10
    CEQA Workshop 4_15_10

    Apr 22, 2010 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District CEQA Guidelines Update Public Workshop, Mountain View April 15, 2010 Henry Hilken Director of Planning and Research Bay Area Air Quality Management ...

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    (1 Mb PDF, 37 pgs)

    Apr 22, 2010 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District CEQA Guidelines Update Public Workshop, Mountain View April 15, 2010 Henry Hilken Director of Planning and Research Bay Area Air Quality Management ...

  • CEQA Negative Declaration
    CEQA Negative Declaration

    Jan 21, 2014 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay ...

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    (889 Kb PDF, 64 pgs)

    Jan 21, 2014 ... Bay Area Air Quality Management District Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay ...

Spare the Air Status

Última actualización: 08/11/2016