lunes, abril 02, 2018
Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the Air District, has released a statement on the Trump Administration’s decision to roll back auto emissions standards.
“As President Trump and automakers celebrate EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s self-serving and misguided rollback of auto emissions standards, climate, air quality and public health are on a precarious course to decline precipitously for decades after this administration leaves office. History has proven that economic, health and environmental progress are met when health protective standards are set far beyond what we believe is achievable. And when these standards are accomplished, everyone wins, including industry. As the Trump administration rolls the dice on public health, climate and environmental progress to garner political points, the Bay Area Air District will join the State of California to fight for tougher emissions standards and cleaner air for the health of Bay Area residents. It is a fight we will tackle unwaveringly and head-on because progress is never made by stepping backwards.”
View press release.
Last Updated: 03/04/2018