View dates and information about upcoming and past public workshops on proposed rules and amendments.
One or more public workshops are held for each draft rule or rule amendment. During workshops, staff present the regulatory concepts and anyone attending can discuss and ask questions about the proposed action.
To receive email notifications of proposed new rules and amendments, visit the Sign Up for Information page and subscribe to the Regulation Changes email list.
New Rule Development Regulatory Workshops Format
As of June 1, 2017, information about rule development regulatory workshops will be found on individual web pages devoted to specific rules under development. These will be indexed and linked from a table in the Rules Under Development page.
This Regulatory Workshops page is currently being maintained as an archive of historical information for workshops held prior to June 2017.
View upcoming and recent workshops and associated materials in the tables below.
Gregory Nudd
Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer, Executive
Victor Douglas
Manager, Community Engagement and Policy
Last Updated: 10/25/2024